So at times my household has slim pickin's prior to a trip to the market, and sometimes you just want to work with what you may have on hand. In either case, This cookbook is awesome.
Talk about whipping something up with nothing... You can make biscuits, batters, dough for anything you can imagine. sometimes it takes a little deciphering because it lists them as basic batter 1,2,3. So you have no idea what it is for. I think my pioneer woman spirit can relate to the simplicity of using basic ingredients on hand. So we were wanting something sweet and felt like we had nothing to work with, But viola' we whipped up this lemon cake using the one egg batter recipe, adding lemon zest and a lemon glaze that was made by previously freezing lemon juice when we had an abundance of lemons on hand from a friends tree.
Here is the cake, the icing was made with a tiny bit of cream cheese, powdered sugar, and lemon juice.
The lemon juice was frozen in a silicone cupcake pan, put into a ziplock and is handy for whatever you need lemons for.
When life gives you lemons...Make Lemon Cake!
Anyway this old school cookbook is filled with basic bare bones recipes along with many things that leave you saying, What?? Like a consomme mold? And things made with all kinds of animal parts... Utilizing every last bit ~ Resourceful. But it is handy and a nice gift (as mine was). If you ever need a ten to twelve course Christmas Dinner Fannie can help you out with that. Although I am assuming Miss Farmer had some help back in the day.